Tuesday 27 January 2009

a twelve mile shuffle

After a long weekend of doing nothing (literally), I hauled myself out for the long run we were meant to do on Saturday this monday night. It was a very good run for me, mainly because of my new piece of gear.

I think the People At Apple knew what they were doing when they named this product.

I got a new (well, refurbished one) from the People At Apple, because it seemed perfect for me. It holds a thousand songs, but it won't let me waste time actually choosing one. Just a mindless flow of music, forever and ever.

I tried it out last night and I loved it. Especially when we hit 6miles on our out-and-back, and Gord Downie from Big Sugar kicked in with the opening lyrics of 'Ride Like Hell'.

(Sometimes i wonder, if i'll ever get back home.)

you tell 'em Gord.

We kept a 9.10 pace for the first 6, which is pretty fast for me. Slower on the way back in, but hey - i'm only training right now, right? Am i right?

But it wasn't till I was a mile from home that it struck me why they called this little mp3 player 'the shuffle'. Cuz that's the only word for the stride i was keeping. A weak, sweet-lord-i-am-beat kind of beat.

this friday, 14 miles. when will it end? why must every run be the longest run EVER? I'm looking forward to the tapering off period. '12 miles? easy.' i'll say. but not for many weeks to come.

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