Friday 30 January 2009

the gas face

Meg (the Artist Formerly known as Amanda) and I contracted to meet up this morning at 7am to go out for our long run of the week (14 miles). I dutifully set my alarm for 7.30.

I think you can see where this is going.

We are, in Britain, apparently getting a wave of cold Continental air washing over this miserable island that I call home. I hate the Continent.

(remember - you can't spell 'incontinent' without the word Continent. may they all soil themselves for this frozen gift to us)

By now, you ought to have a very clear idea of how this run went.

Within ten minutes of Meg's arrival, we had already talked ourselves out of the 14 miles, in favour of doing a six mile run. After much procrastination, we settled on a four mile route.

At this point, I almost gave up on going out altogether. (thanks Meg, for dragging me out).

I don't understand why a four mile run should give me so much trouble, but they do. This is the second time I've gassed (as in 'run out of') on a short run. Part of it is that I only warm up after about three miles, and on a shortie like today, the run's practically over. I can live with that feeble rationalization.

On the positive side, I've been working on my form - which means I'm not necessarily running faster (I need to concentrate to break all my bad habits like slouching a bit, and not driving my arms - not to mention all my bad mental habits/blocks) - but I am running better. My shoulders, neck, and especially my lower back were relaxed and felt nice and comfortable.

Worryingly, however, my right Achilles tendon is a bit inflamed. I know, I know, stretch/rest/ice/elevate...I'm doing all that (really I am). Hopefully this is just a case of breaking myself in, and not breaking myself up. new shoes are coming today! In all their orange glory!

Can't wait to break these puppies in!

Surely, with these I will no longer suffer from the Gas Face, and smoothly stride past all the trouser-wetting in(Continent)als on April 5th...or I'll snap a tendon. Could go either way.

Sunday looms.

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